Thursday, March 29, 2012


I am absolutely addicted to shopping and looking at magazines and finding the latest trends. A lot of the time most of the new trends that I find in magazines are things that I would never have thought to wear if I hadn’t just seen it in an advertisement. In many cases, a lot of people would never wear most of the trends that are popular if they weren’t so popular. How can something so simple as a magazine influence so many people to changed their judgment about what they think looks nice and even their entire style? The entire fashion industry is build around persuade people in any and every way that the new clothing and styles that are out look good. One of the most influential ways in doing so is to show celebrities wearing these clothes. Celebrities are seen as role models, especially to the younger generation and most of our generations strives to be as beautiful and attractive as they are. Whatever they see a celebrity wearing they feel must be something that’s in and its something that they must have to increase their level in social status. Sometimes there are things that I see people wearing in the street that I think is absolutely ridiculous but once a celebrity wears it everyone seems to be wearing it.  Another method to influencing  people to try out these new trends and fashion is to put them in stores, especially high end stores. Most people dream to be wearing Chanel, and Gucci and high end brands that the average person can not wear on a daily basis. These brands are seen to be so exclusive and the clothing seems to be so great because of how expensive the clothing is. If new trends are put in these clothing stores society also gets the idea that they should have it because if it is something that is put in these exclusive stores it is something that is popular and trendy. Magazines put these store advertisements and images of celebrities wearing these clothes to influence people in this way. 


  1. It's funny how the fashion industry thrives. Most of the success of these brands lies not with how the clothing looks or feels, but rather, with the popularity of the name attached to it. Just another example in our society of ethos trumping logos.

  2. What you say about putting the clothing on celebrities is true, and I think it plays into the most important part of advertising: making people feel inferior. Not only do ads make us want to look like the person in them (thus making us feel worse about ourselves as we are), using celebrities makes us aspire to their wealth and status as well.
