Monday, April 30, 2012


Welcome to my e-PortfolioMy name is Samantha Martinez and I am a student at the Pennsylvania State University majoring in Political Science and Sociology. I am 18 years old and I was born and raised in New York City. I am a prospective Paterno Fellows and Schreyers Honors College student. I am currently very active in my college community. I am a member of the Student Minority Advisory and Recruitment Team (S.M.A.R.T) and a mentor  for the BLUEprint mentoring program. I am also currently in the selection process of becoming a Resident Assistant on my school campus. I was also an active member of a THON committee to raise money for children with Pediatric Cancer. Along with my recent activeness on campus I am also bilingual, being fluent in Spanish and educated in French. 

Being from a large city with a diverse group of people and cultures has allowed me to grow up with an open mind and an adventurous personality. Attending Penn State has allowed me to use these aspects to my advantage and has given me the tools succeed in the future. Not only has it provided me with an active community for me to get involved in, but also a good education. This e-Portfolio is intended for you to see the work that I have complete and progress I have made as a student at Penn State. Here you will find media and written pieces that reflect my experiences and skills that I have obtained in college. 

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