Recently in Virginia legislation was trying to pass a bill that required a women to undergo an ultrasound by inserting a probe into her vagina to determine the age of a fetus before her abortion. A women did not have any say in wether she was okay with it or not, if she wanted an abortion it was required. Initially, Governor of Virginia Bob McDonnell supported the bill and agreed to sign it. When the nationa media found out about these ideas people began to protest and argue that the ultrasounds were too invasive. After a staff meeting with delegates, McDonnell randomly decided that the ultrasounds were to invasive and not to discard the bill, but only to amend it. They claim that the reason for the emergency meeting with other delegates was because they did not realize how much of an issue it would cause and that a mandatory probe being inserted in the vagina against a woman’s will was forced vaginal entrance. Seriously?!
Virginia Democrat David Englin tried to correct them with the idea that women should have to give written consent to allow the insertion of a probe into their vagina, but Virginia Republicans voted down the amendment.
It seems like they made it pretty clear by voting down the amendment that they knew what they were doing and what the bill would impose. Once people starting getting angry their entire viewpoints changed. After the meeting, Bob McDonnell made a statement and said that “Mandating an invasive procedure... is not a proper role for the state. No person should be directed to undergo an invasive procedure by the state without their consent, as a precondition to another medical procedure.” I am sure thats exactly what David Englin proposed in his amendment, the amendment that they voted against. I think its so funny how he completely switched sides and changed his entire mind to make himself look like a better person. At the end of the day Bob Mcdonnell is strictly against abortion and will figure out any way to prevent or make it very difficult for a women to be able to get one.